Saturday, June 27, 2009

Almost a regular kind of Saturday!!!

It's been a couple of days since I have Mom continues to recover and get better and better with everyday that passes I am sure that my blog installments will slow to every couple of days or so.

Today was almost like a regular Saturday around here....I slept till 11am and when I got up and came upstairs I found a note on the counter that Mom had gone to meet a Ms Anne and Margaret for coffee at Paneras. On a real true regular Saturday Mom typically plays tennis and then goes to breakfast with her tennis buds.

Mom and I spent the afternoon running errands, the grocery store, Lowes and Office Depot...will probably hit Belks tomorrow. Everyday I am seeing more of the Mom before pain coming out...she wears her brace every where and even today got praise from the check out attendants at Publix!!!

Yesterday she made the trip by herself to the hair stylist and all went really well!!

We are going to have to still be careful about Moms activity level because she does get tired and did take a short nap this afternoon to get over the outing today.

Thank you to all of you that are coming to visit and calling....Mom loves having the company especially during the week when I am at work.

This coming week will bring us the July 4th holiday....I am only working on Monday and Tuesday and then taking the rest of the week off....hope to spend some good pool time and read a couple of books!!! Sharla is suppose to be coming to hang with us, getting in Thursday evening and that will be a treat for Mom and I like it always is!

Hope that all of you are having a great weekend and staying cool with these hot temps we are having!!!

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