Monday, June 8, 2009

Aunt Judith has arrived!

Picked up Aunt Judith without any problems yesterday....other than the fact that she decided to "walk" to baggage claim instead of taking the train, I thought for a few minutes that we had missed each other some how, but I knew that the sign to the left would prevent that from ever happening! Aunt Judith claims to be a tad dyslexic so I didn't want her to miss the case you are wondering why I also spelled her name backwards on the sign.
When we got to the house she went into Sister/Nurse Judith mode immediately and started taking care of Mom. I know that she and Mom are very happy to be together right now although I know that they would rather be playing tennis every day...I am positive this will come with time!!
Because of Aunt Judiths arrival I was able to take a nap yesterday afternoon AND I was fortunate enough to go to bed really early AND turn off my phone!! It was a great nights sleep except for Sophie deciding to run her races about 1am this morning, so unfortunately I had to close her out of the Clubhouse so that Tiki and I could get back to sleep. Bless her heart, she is a young (just turned 1 yr old this past Friday) and wants to play at all times of the night and day!
Mom is hanging in there...eating good, resting appropriately...pain under good control except she does say that she feels like she has been hit by a truck, she even spent a little time out on the deck yesterday afternoon with Ms Brenda (thank you Ms Brenda for coming and staying with Mom while I fetched my auntie). We started Mom on the Bone Stimilater contraption last night..she has to wear this thing that looks like a steering wheel out of a race car for 30 minutes a day for 5 months to assist in promoting healing and bone it doesn't hurt her nor does it make any noise.
I am headed to the office this morning, want to take advantage (in a kind way) of Aunt Judith being here to take care of Mom because after she has gone back home I will be spending my time between the office and home during the day until further notice.

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