Saturday, June 6, 2009

Mom is home!!!!!

Mom is home and settled in just in time to have a cocktail and watch The Belmont Stakes!!!

It was a tad iffy as to whether we were gonna get to come home today or not, her O2 was low this AM so she had to have a chest x-ray and had her Hemoglobin re-checked. Her chest x-ray showed "some" differences but no pulmonary edema....chest x-rays read by different radiologists can be very subjective, so we will be following up on this. Her Hemoglobin was 7.5 yesterday and was up to 7.9....SO, I am cooking her a yummy filet steak and a spinach salad!!

Thank you to my Aunt Bobbi for coming to Saints and helping me get Mom home!!! You made it a breeze getting Mom back to 260 Mallard Pointe Way!! Her 4 legged grandchildren were happy to see her and the funny thing is that you can tell that they know Grandma has a boo-boo. As I type this Mom is at the table with Aunt Bobbi and the horses are running around the track at Belmont....from the sounds in the breakfast area, Calvin isn't going to get his "personal" triple crown and he didn't :-(

The steaks are marinating, the potatoes are in the oven and it's almost time to light the grill...again...THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR YOUR POSITIVE THOUGHTS, PRAYERS, AND ANGELS SENT THIS WAY!!!! We still have a VERY long road ahead of us but as well as things have been going so far I just know it's all going to be okay in the end. I am sure that Mom will have good days and bad days but that is all part of the recovery process that she will be enduring in the coming months.

I will be headed to fetch my wonderful Aunt Judith at the Atlanta Airport tomorrow...she is coming in to help and will be here until I take her back to the airport next Saturday.

We hope that all of you are having a wonderful weekend...we all have A LOT to be grateful for!!!


  1. NICE... enjoy the weekend--out of the institution., into the great beyond!

  2. Good for you Mama Jane. Glad you are home and getting some of that famous grilled grub that is so often served up by that Awesome Daughter! Doesn't it just make you feel better to be home with friends and family!

    I will se you soon!

  3. Glad Mama Jane is home where she can get that specialized TLC (kisses from the grandkids) that truly makes you well, not to mention cocktail hour. Leslie, you continue to set the bar high in the daughter category. I'm not sure Sharon and I together can do the phenomenal job you have done.
    Love to all,
    Beth (Bill, Katie, Zeus, and George)
