Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FINAL Call from the OR

Kathy called from the OR for the last time....they are closing as I type this... SO....the surgery did not take as long as we originally thought and without talking to Dr Walpert yet Jack and I feel that is a VERY good sign!!! They will be waking her up very slowly and getting her into a more comfy position which they say will take upwards of an hour....THEN she will have another hour or so in the recovery room...Jack and I won't see Dr Walpert until she knows that Mom is awake along with being good and stable. From the way it sounds at this point, Mom will be going to a regular room (#7026).

My next post will come after Jack and I see Dr Walpert and Mom.....thank you again for all of your positive thoughts, prayers and angels that you have sent this way....NOW the really hard part starts.


  1. I just know that everything went well in surgery. Momma Jane has tons of love flowing her way! And so do you Leslie ~ Let me know when you are ready for your next Starbucks fix.

  2. The good Lord knows momma Jane still has many things to teach us!!!! She is a wonder to us all....good will, love and best wishes her way..JC and kathy
